Sunday, December 16, 2007

Travel Reflections from November 10 to December 15, 2007

Upon reflection of my travels thus far, I’ve noted that in Cyprus the things that stood out for me there were the crazy driving and parking, the temperate climate, my first glimpse of the Mediterranean Sea, the wonderful historic and mythical sites and the multitude of different nationalities that have immigrated there. Besides the large influx of Brits, there were many from the eastern European countries and Russia – Bulgaria, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, etc. I’ll always remember my jaunt to the Turkish side as well, crossing ‘no man’s’ land and seeing the magical castle built as part of the mountain. I will also remember the fact that the champagne in France is mostly made from Cyprus grapes. Above all, I will recall some of the wonderful people I met in Limassol and their invitations to return.

In Egypt, I mostly met travellers from all over the world, and there was a huge portion of Russians visiting. There would be whole tour buses of them and amongst the other tourist they did not have a very good reputation…they were known for being greedy, because they would load up their plates at buffets and then not eat much and for being loud, talkative, obnoxious, and rude with little thought for others. In fact, I shared the same opinion after having a bad experience with one couple.

We were returning from Cairo after a very long day and there was some confusion after landing at the airport as to which bus we were to get on to take us back to our hotels. There were always a ring of tour people standing with signs announcing the tour group, and you were supposed to find yours and then be led back to the bus.
(photo on the Nile)
However, in our case, we didn’t actually know who our tour company was (or that we were to find out before we left- nor were we told—I certainly didn’t know the tour company, because it was my first trip away from Sharm and the names on the buses didn’t reflect the company – they just rented buses from wherever). At any rate, we couldn’t locate our tour leader. (He either arrived late or was standing far behind the others and we didn’t see him….he also wasn’t holding up a sign either. Of course, we didn’t know any of this until the ‘incident’ took place.)

The usual scenario was that once we arrived at destinations they would divide us into buses of particular languages, and I was always on an English-speaking bus (though often with people whose first language was something else like Italian or German or something.) A tour guide for your particular language was on the bus and you had to follow him closely. Usually they held up a stick or sign, or something so you could see them.

Throughout the day you came to recognize a few people from your group as you travelled from place to place. We had to try to keep in our same groups and not get lost, amongst so many other groups that would criss-cross your own. We all would pick out the easily identifiable people in our group, like three tall British lads who towered over the rest of us, or the chubby, older Australian couple, or the young couple with nose piercings and weird clothes, etc.

(photo on the Nile)

Once we returned to the airport, total confusion reigned, because there were tons of people on the flight and many tour companies holding up signs. Sometimes like sheep we continued following other people with whom we’d been touring with, but this was a mistake, as those who were on the tour buses with us once we reached our destination, were not necessarily those on our hotel buses, although a few might be. You had to try to recall who had been on the original bus from the hotels (yeah right this was sixteen hours later). My three tall Brit lads had disappeared to take a taxi back to their hotel as they had to attend some special supper, so I couldn’t count on them any more.

So the rest of us tried to find each other, and as it turned out a few people figured out that we were with Sharm Voyage tours. As it happens there were three Sharm Voyage leaders and buses taking people to different groups of hotels, but the two that we found didn’t know anything about our bus when we enquired. Like lost sheep we kept asking various people where we were to go, and all at once this one feisty Russian guy became very angry and began shouting and demanding to know where we were to go. His wife (holding their young daughter) marched right behind him.

He crashed through the group and pushed me aside – at which point I declared – “Don’t push me!” I though he was going to attack me, but he thought better of it, glared and kept going, grabbing the small, young tour leader by the front of his shirt and shaking him, trying to hit him. Another tour leader stepped forward and pushed the Russian fellow off the first guy. The Russian wife stood yelling at the tour people, and several others came to intervene.

All at once our own tour leader appeared at the back of the crowd and when we noticed him, the Russian fellow calmed down enough to follow along, but never apologized for attacking anyone or causing a ruckus. We were all a little shaken by the incident and gave the Russian couple a wide berth. I prayed I would never see them again and I didn’t, though the wife tied into me as I got off the bus, because I was making arrangements with the tour leader about the trip I was to go on to Petra the following morning (five hours away), and her daughter was tired and she wanted to get back to the hotel. I just got off without saying anything to her….she was bigger than me!

I was wary of Russian people after that and soon discovered people from other nationalities who had similar opinions. I’m sure there are wonderful, gentle Russian people about, but they have bad reputations amongst the travellers in Egypt. I also discovered the Americans had reputations for being rude as well in many countries. Even Tina, the woman who owns a five-star complex in England doesn’t like American travellers, because of their aggressive, rude attitudes. People everywhere assured me Canadians are well thought of, though of course, I know we have our negative moments and our unpopular people as well.

I’m very glad to get away from the Egyptian men….not sure if they like the full-bodied look, older women, or that I’m too friendly or perhaps I’m smiling too much, because I’m happy to be out and about seeing the world. Their aggression was way too over done….they are certainly compassionate, romantic and sensitive men, but I couldn’t stand the phoniness. I guess they do it to get more tips, but it worked the opposite on me. There was one persistent man who worked at the Hilton resort where I stayed. He wanted to take me to Turkey for a week at his expense and he insisted on giving me his e-mail address so we could plan it later, though I have no intention of going anywhere with him…he was only 28. So many of the men were so very young, but that didn’t stop 61 year old Tina who was being whined and dined by a 23 year old. Her body was quite trim and slim, and she certainly dressed in a sexy way, though with too many frills. She tanned so much her skin looked like leather and she looked a little haggard to me. Truly, the young waiter from the bar must have wanted a large tip and was likely to get it too.

The strongest memory I will carry of Egypt will be of the friendly people everywhere, but also of the harassing of these same people/vendors and honking taxi drivers, who never left anyone alone like wasps attacking someone who has stirred up their nest.
When I think of Egypt I will also remember the moon on its side and the starlit nights over the desert and the Sinai Mountains, the severe poverty contrasting with the lush tourist places, the smell of the camels, the horrible traffic in Cairo, the heat of the sun during the day, and the magnificent pyramids, temples and other spectacular structures, the Nile River, and the perfume and papyrus shops.

I’d actually had enough of Egypt by the time I’d left and needed a break from all the hustle and bustle. I was happy to be leaving for what I think of as a more ‘civilized’ country.

1 comment:

Melonie Old said...

Yes, the smell of cmaels is one you don't forget! What a grear synapse! Love, Melonie